Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan Wiki

The Deer Collection, or DeCo for short, is a show held once a year where the world's most prestigious deer all gather in one spot. It's the world's leading deer exhibition. To put it simply, it's an international deer show.

Noko, about the Deer Collection

Koshitan, the Popular Girl? is the third chapter of the second volume of Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan manga, and is the tenth chapter overall.


Shikanoko Noko wants to participate in the Deer Collection fashion competition, and needs Koshi Torako as her human partner.




  • It is revealed that there is a deer fashion show called the Deer Collection that Noko likes to participate in, in which a deer needs to be accompanied by a human partner.
    • Seeing as how Koshi and Noko only practiced in this chapter, and that the DeCo is set to happen in 2020, it can be assumed that 2020 takes place from Chapter 13 onwards.
  • This is also the first time wherein Koshi misses a day of school, after becoming a reformed delinquent.
  • Noko dancing gracefully for The Deer Collection is referenced in the anime's intro.

Manga-Anime Differences[]

  • During the episode "The Targeted Deer Club", the scene wherein Noko butts in and shows Tsubameya the "club activities" that includes footage of Koshi singing in this chapter is changed into footage of Koshi manhandling Tsunoda from the previous episode alongside other clips between Koshi and Tsunoda, due to the chapter only being adapted later on into the anime.
    • This includes the exchange involving Tsubameya and Noko regarding the Deer Collection, which was also changed to fit the change of video clip/s.
    • Additionally, the respective reactions of Bashame and Anko (before getting kicked out a second time), as well as Tsunoda making a brief comeback cameo, are both anime-exclusives.
  • In the manga, it was a bunch of crows that delivered the flyer to Shikanoko, in the anime, it was Tsunoda. Additionally, the weather has been changed to stormy in the anime.
    • The year in the Deer Collection flyer has been changed from 2020 to 2024 to better reflect the anime's setting.
    • Shikanoko sings a short original song as she laments the fact that Torako refuses to be her "owner" for the competition.
    • After Ms. Ukai accidentally catches Torako in the middle of practice, Torako is instead facing her way in the anime, and there is also additional commentary from Noko added, as the segment ends with the narrator announcing the results of the winning pair. While in the manga, Koshi was facing the other way, and instead opted to go absent the following day out of embarrassment.
  • Bashame and Anko are added to the Deer Collection section, bringing exposition to the Deer Collection in place of the narrator in the manga.


  • When Noko was showing Koshi how to call her properly, flashbacks of Chapters 4 and 7 are shown.

Cultural References[]
