Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan Wiki

When I see something important to me just within reach, I'll never give up until it's mine!

Noko, about the deer crackers

In the Crosshairs is the seventh and last chapter of the first volume of Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan manga, and is the seventh chapter overall.


Koshi Torako can't wait to check up on the Deer Club-turned-paradise she has done renovations to.






  • Koshi getting hit by a wash bowl is referenced in the anime's intro.
  • This chapter shares a similar name to Chapter 20.

Manga-Anime Differences[]

  • Koshi dragging a cart full of decorations and such for the club after waking up at three in the morning is exclusive to the anime.
  • In the anime, Anko's destruction extends outside the club as well.
    • However, the door was destroyed by Noko's antlers, while in the manga it is still intact.
      • In the anime, Anko's kunai is thrown through the broken door instead of the window.
  • In the manga, Noko was hiding under an empty box of oranges, in the anime, she was hiding behind a flipped over table.
  • The scene wherein Koshi calls out her decapitated stuff bear and the overly exaggerated facial expression Noko makes is made into a reference to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure are anime-original.

Cultural References[]

  • The bonus drawing of Noko loafing like a cat at the end of the chapter is a reference to the Doge meme.